Sunday, December 31, 2006

Barney Boiler

One day a few months ago, while I was rummaging in the wardrobe, I found a toy rabbit in a plastic bag. I didn't recognise it. I showed it to Mr K-E and he didn't recognise it either. Then he vaguely remembered that someone had given it to him for safe-keeping, and that it was meant as a birthday present for me. (My birthday was six months earlier). He couldn't remember who it was. So whoever you are - thank you. And I hope this teaches you not to rely on Mr K-E to remember things in the future!

The rabbit is quite cute and it is meant to be a hot-water bottle replacement. That is, instead of filling a rubber water bottle with hot water and taking it to bed to keep you snuggly and warm, you can just heat up the rabbit in the microwave and it will do the job. I think the rabbit is filled with wheat grains (or something) that heat up in the microwave.

Anyway, it's quite effective - but there is something not quite right about putting Barney in the microwave.

Are you sure you want me to climb in there? Is it safe?

OK, if you say so.

I'll just make myself comfortable.

It's getting hot in! Let me out!

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