I am at Mr K-E's parent's place in the countryside. This year only Mr K-E and I will be around on Christmas day as his siblings and their partners are busy with work and other family commitments. Today we visited Mr K-E's brother B and his girlfriend L. They have just moved into a new house and will be spending Christmas Day with L's parents. So we will see them on Boxing Day when we will have round two of present opening.
At least I don't have the dilemma of where to spend Christmas Day because my parents are so far away. We always go to Mr K-E's parents. But for other couples I know, this can become a real problem. To keep rush from one house to another means they can't really relax over the Christmas holidays - eating two full Christmas dinners in one day... too much!

As the moment Mr K-E is sorting out his Dad's IT issues and I am relaxing in front of an open fire, eating toblerones and watching midnight mass on TV. It's not a bad way to spend Christmas Eve. I feel a bit sad because I miss my parents who are in Brunei, but hopefully I will have a good chat with them tomorrow.
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