Mr K-E went out drinking with a friend last night. They were invited to an architect's christmas party. One thing led to another and they ended up in a bar called
Cafe Kick in Farringdon drinking
caipirinhas. He called me after he left the bar (waking me up) and scaring me by saying "the cars are going really fast and I can't focus on the road". Eeeek. He promised me that he would try and get a taxi - unfortunately it is the weekend before Christmas and every one else was out partying too. So he ended up walking to to Waterloo, and getting an illegal minicab home. Bad bad bad Mr K-E.
This morning I was awoken up the sound of retching and he came crawling back to the bedroom (literally) groaning. We were going to meet my Aunt for lunch today but in the end I left him in bed with a glass of water and a bucket and went off to Bayswater on my own.
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