The Colosseum viewed from the Forum.
Mr K-E thought the tall trees were cool. Look at that sky, it's like a painting.

The roof of the Pantheon with the oculus. If you've read the Dan Brown book Angels and Demons, you'll know all about this place!
This building is 2000 years old, and the roof is amazing from an engineering point of view. If you are a geek, note that this is the largest unreinforced concrete dome in the world. Very impressive, if you are a concrete afficionado.

The lovely Trevi fountain.
We stayed just around the corner from this beautiful fountain.

Sunset view at Il Vittoriano.

We saw these guys in the Vatican.
They look silly in their multi-coloured uniforms, but I'm sure they could do the "business" if required.
Again, read all about them in Angels and Demons!

Mr K-E took lots of photos in the Vatican City, but I'm posting this one because I've seen this shot before on so many postcards/pictures/TV shows etc. Also if you are Catholic, this feels like our spiritual "home", if you know what I mean.
We had to climb up to the top of the Dome to take this photo, but it was worth it.

Even if you are all "churched-out", try to visit Chiesa il Gesu.
The artwork is breath-taking, even after a whole day at the Sistine Chapel.
The way it has been painted looks like it is in 3-D, but it's all down to the artist's use of perspective and shadow.
wow, KE - those pics are amazing. Any pics of shops, restaurants & food? hehe E.
No, unfortunately! They are all Mr K-E's photos and he's not into that kind of thing. But now I have my blog, maybe I can get him to take more food pictures when we are on holiday!
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