I spent the weekend at my sister's place. She and her husband have just moved into a new house and it is much bigger than their old place. To Londoners like me and Mr K-E, used to living in cupboards, it seems almost mansion-like. They have four large bedrooms (two with en-suite bathrooms), dining room, huge kitchen, study etc etc.
On Saturday she had a house warming/new year open house for her friends and colleagues. She had an interesting mix of food, I thought. Beef rendang, roast chicken, ham, satay chicken, cous cous with roasted vegetables, sausage rolls, fried noodles, scotch eggs, parmesan+rocket+pear salad.... the list continues.
My sister loves collecting perfumes, not because she likes the perfumes but she loves the bottles. She has decided to display them in her main bathroom, and it does look fabulous. She collects variations of the same perfume, and you can see different versions of the same perfume in the photo. I couldn't fit the whole display in one photo and this only represents about a third of her collection.

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