Sunday, June 08, 2008

Another Sunday night

Is it Sunday night already? What exciting happenings have going on in the K-E household?

  • Mr K-E got completely smashed at a wine-tasting event at his work. Well, it wasn't so much the wine tasting but the beer afterwards...
  • ...and the next day his parents came to stay for a night. So I had to do all the tidying up; I wasn't impressed!
  • Big Brother has started again, which means Mr K-E hogs the TV from 9pm onwards every night. This will last for a couple of weeks until he gets bored of the idiot contestants.
  • We went to a friend's housewarming/birthday party yesterday. It was a barbeque so we were mainly outside all afternoon. There was a stack of cupcakes inside, which I didn't realise was the "birthday cake" and the letters actually spelt out a birthday message. So I ate one....hey, it's cake... I couldn't resist.
Will the excitement never end?

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