Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Careers from A to Z

A few days ago I spent a morning at a school in South London, representing my profession at a careers fair. I set up my "stall" neatly, stacking up my brochures and freebies (mousemats, pens and postcards) in an inviting fashion on a rickety school desk.

I was placed in between the Army and the London Ambulance Service, which I found slightly disconcerting. Is just me, or is the idea of the Army distributing recruitment information to 14 year olds really disturbing?

Anyway, it was a good experience. It is an inner-city school so the kids were not your clean-cut, freshly-washed, smartly-dressed variety. The hairstyles alone are blog-worthy. In a way, I felt that these kids actually benefit more from this type of thing compared to, say, a 14 year-old in an expensive boarding school.

After chatting to a group of 3 very "street-smart" girls, I asked if they had given any thought to their futures. One of them replied, "Oh, I want to be a barrister".

"Really? That's great," I said, impressed.

"Yeah. Or a beauty therapist," she continued.

I can't help but be amused. Do you think she got past "B" in the A-Z guide to careers?

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